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My approach

Comprehensive service for musculoskeletal trauma

Ligament Injuries

Ankle ligament injuries are very common and may compromise a patient’s future activity and sports aspirations. Accurate timeous diagnosis followed by a personlised management plan is important to optimise outcomes. Techniques like syndesmosis reconstruction and ligament repair with internal bracing reconstruction are commonly used to great effect.

Swift assessment and precise management of these injuries is vital for optimal recovery. My approach combines rapid evaluation and effective treatment, accompanied by a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation. 

This comprehensive strategy is designed to expedite our patients’ return to their peak functional levels as quickly as possible.

To achieve this, I leverage the expertise of experienced physiotherapists and biokineticists care teams. Together, we formulate the most optimal return-to-play strategy, designed to the unique needs of each individual. Our goal is to ensure that you regain your strength and agility, enabling you to perform at your best.

Get in touch

to explore how my specialised care can make a significant difference in your recovery and athletic journey. Your path to optimal performance starts here.

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Dr. Franz Birkholtz

Orthopaedic Surgeon
South Africa
T: +27 (0)21 861 6420